Self-Actualization Replaces the Journey, 2013
"Playing Self-Actualization Replaces the Journey is a mesmerizing and unique experience that challenges ideas of goal-oriented gaming as well as notions of subjectivity and character. The simple act of controlling four disparate characters instead of one is a powerful modification that elevates and creates alternative meanings in an otherwise mass-market game series. While playing I experienced both frustration and enjoyment as my perspective continuously shifted from one character into another. Oftentimes my efforts stemming from a traditional, goal-oriented gaming mindset were met with the return of a previously off-screen character running in place in front of a brick wall, trapped under a small staircase, or swimming in circles in a canal. These seemingly frustrating moments in fact reflect some of the most enjoyable aspects of the game. The elliptical operational logic at work forces the player into endlessly interesting temporal and perspectival shifts as one's subjectivity is never stable or easily measured in this game. I think the complexity of the experience reflects great creativity that is impressively expressed via appropriation and adaptation."

Brendan's Trip, Work in Progress

Attn: Trap, 2013
A remarkable hypertextual video essay [for] Parallelograms, has been posted by Jeffrey Scudder. It is composed of an intriguing collections of clips, and includes some fascinating video quotation of (e.g.) Marshall McLuhan, Douglas Rushkoff, Ted Nelson, Alan Kay, and Chris Crawford. Not to mention my colleague Hal Abelson in a wizard hat. Also, I couldn’t help but notice that it shows the 10 PRINT program executing and features a shot of the book A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates.
If these matters at all interest you, do read/watch this video meditation on digital media, society, materiality, matter, the body, and (as I read/watch it) how the computer, whatever its limits, may have still-untapped potential for empowerment and change. [link]
a good net art on Parallelograms this week: http://t.co/JQC8jGKglo
— brian droitcour (@briandroitcour) October 31, 2013
397 Figures, 2010-2012
Constellations/Lines, 2012

Suncroppings, 2013

Town Game, 2011